Building My Project Tracking Blog: TECH-MULTIVERSE.COM
It makes sense that building this blog becomes Project #1 on TECH-MULTIVERSE! Since I’ve already spent a month slowly taking steps to get this project moving, I figure it’s...LEARN MORE!
This project is currently in the backlog as I work on a plan to get the RTX 4090 24GB graphics card to support a few projects I have in...LEARN MORE!
Time For a New Web Hosting Service Provider!
After being with my old web hosting service provider for over 20 years, I had a security incident that was simply unacceptable. So, I did some homework and decided...LEARN MORE!
Is Each Black Hole a Universe Unto Itself?
After years of attempting to wrap my head around Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, I eventually reached the conclusion that it seems likely that the collapse of a star into...LEARN MORE!
About Me
Hi! My name is Rob. 👋 As a former Research Engineer now managing the technical strategy for implementing AI-driven business solutions, I specialize in rapidly learning and applying cutting-edge...LEARN MORE!
Exploring Gorilla AI
Gorilla is an AI model developed by Microsoft and UC Berkeley that can autonomously interact with various online tools using API calls. I’m excited that it’s open source! Try...LEARN MORE!
How To Make A Game Alone
This video from Thomas Brush is a perfect starting point! What he describes was my life when I started my solo-freelance business. As the artist, musician, designer, and developer,...LEARN MORE!