Empower Your Growth

Did you have growing pains as a kid? Various aches in your little body that could bring you to tears.

Going to the gym guarantees sore muscles, especially if you haven’t been in a while.

Growth seems to leverage discomfort to work it’s magic.

Growing our minds is no different. It requires focus, determination, and lots of patience!

When I’m struggling with something that doesn’t come naturally for me, I’ve learned not to give up and to try a different approach. That’s happening right now with this article! I want to write something inspiring, but don’t feel I’m at the level I want to be, so I keep trying different ways of saying things. I’ll probably have 20 versions of this and still won’t be happy with it. My main goal at this point is to not give up 😂

It’s easy to consume content that other people have created, but what about challenging yourself to create content. What about building the applications that present the content to the consumers? What about building the infrastructure that application runs on? What about the electromagnetic frequencies our devices use to connect us to the internet?

Wait, What?!

I’m simply trying to encourage a deeper level of thinking.

Don’t just use your phone, put in the effort to wrap your mind around how it works. It doesn’t require you to exert any physical effort, thanks to the internet, and the mental effort isn’t much more than watching a movie or reading a book. Even if you only gained a general understanding of how a cell phone works, you’ll likely find that you have a whole new appreciation for the technological wonders that bring us our modern day conveniences.

My mind goes down these crazy rabbit holes and wants to know everything about everything! It’s flat out overwhelming. Especially when you consider the astounding volume of breakthroughs happening in science and technology right now.

I’m creating this blog to help motivate me to organize my thoughts and document the different projects I plan to learn from. My hope is that you’ll find it also helps you grow in some way. Whether it’s by recreating my projects for your own benefit, or just seeing the world a little differently.

We are at the dawn of a new era. As kooky as that feels to say, it’s the truth!

Put in the effort to consume content that will help you grow, so you can be prepared for the amazing future that’s just around the corner.

  • Empower Your Growth

    Did you have growing pains as a kid? Various aches in your little body that could bring you to tears. Going to the gym guarantees sore muscles, especially if you haven’t been in a while. Growth seems to leverage discomfort to work it’s magic. Growing our minds is no different. It requires focus, determination, and

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