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Hi! My name is Rob.  ðŸ‘‹

As a Research Engineer, I make a living working with cutting edge technologies. I don’t always get to explore areas that I personally find interesting during the work day. So, technology has become my hobby, too!

I’ve been interested in tech since I was a kid in the 80’s. Today, it’s safe to say that I’m simply obsessed with science & technology! With today’s rapid progression across every domain it can be a bit overwhelming for someone who wants to learn everything about everything.

That’s why I’m creating this blog.

The main purpose of this blog is to help me track my personal exploration into a vast array of topics by documenting each of my projects at various stages of progression. You’ll find I have a project backlog, where I add topics I that I plan to explore. I may have projects that are never complete, since they’re worthy of on going exploration. From smart homes and Internet of Things (IoT), to AI and drones, even philosophical thought experiments, I’ll be documenting my exploration into all of it.

I also aim to help readers understand that acquiring skills in cutting edge technology is generally accessible to everyone. It doesn’t require a bunch of money, or super intelligence. Back in the 80’s it took a lot of energy to learn tech. Today, simply pickup your phone and decide what you want to focus on learning. Focus IS the key word, especially when you live in a world where you are bombarded by distractions.

In school, I was always distracted and wasn’t allowed to explore what I found interesting during class. That made me feel dumb. Eventually, I realized that I can teach myself anything and that I’m not dumb. I just had to learn my way. I’m hopeful that younger readers are inspired to dive deep into the realm of tech, find what they’re passionate about, and turn that info a fulfilling career. That’s what happened for me, and I always say that if I can do it, anyone can.

Since blogs have potential to bring in extra income, I plan to share what I learn as I build an online presence. I believe in sharing knowledge, so I won’t be charging for anything. At most, I may earn a commission if you buy from an affiliate, or you might find you can’t live without one of my T-shirt designs, but knowledge will always be free at TECH-MULTIVERSE.COM.

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you find your visit worthwhile.

Learn more about the “multiverse” side of TECH-MULTIVERSE here.

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