Building Your New Career In Technology

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Let’s say you had the desire to obtain a career in tech. Regardless if it’s driven by your passion for technology, the dream of working remotely, or to have a salary that you can actually live on, you should be able to find everything you need to build that new career online.


I won’t lie, it takes a lot of hard work! But, if you’re determined to see it through, you CAN make it a reality.

You could find classes online or at a local community college, which is great if you learn that way, but it can cost quite a bit more than most people can afford. I tried that and personally felt bound by the constraints of curriculum. I learn better, and find I gain real world experience, through personal projects.

If you can land yourself an internship, and it works for you, I’d definitely look into that! I’ve seen lots of interns get hired and now hold awesome careers in technology.

To get a sense for the types of projects you should consider, you must familiarize yourself with the skills and experience required for your new career.

Here’s how I’d go about doing that:

  1. Hunt for existing job listings in the field that interests me.
  2. Determine what roles suit me best and have a salary range I’d like.
  3. Study the job requirements and skills needed to be considered for employment.
  4. If there’s an entry level role, what are those skills and what experience is needed?
  5. Search for tutorials and/or projects that will help you obtain the skills and experience needed to land that job!

That last one is the key! You will be faced with challenges, but that discomfort is how we grow.

Example #1: Senior XR Prototyping Engineer

Let’s start by looking at the details of this job posting on LinkedIn, from The Coven. This is one that I’m using to help guide my personal career growth, since I’m aiming to move into prototyping Extended Reality (XR) experiences. Be sure to subscribe to receive new articles via email if you don’t want to miss the projects I take on to help get me there.

Job Description

We’re looking for an XR Prototyping Engineer to join our team, working in collaboration with Meta’s XR researchers and prototypers. This role involves designing and implementing novel XR experiences, as well as bridging technology gaps to enhance current framework capabilities. Your work will be instrumental in guiding Meta executives in XR product development as well as inspiring and empowering external developers to create unprecedented XR experiences on Meta devices.


  • Spearhead the development of cutting-edge XR prototypes and sometimes production-level applications utilizing Unity3D’s core capabilities and creating custom plug-ins as necessary to extend functionality and integrate relevant Meta technologies
  • Adapt flexibly to support various projects as needed, which may include frequently transitioning between different projects
  • Integrate diverse inputs from management, team members, company announcements, and other internal teams to develop ideas that align with and create value in a dynamic, multifaceted context.
  • Show willingness to take risks with new ideas, while also strategically ensuring their validation and early support.
  • Employ resourcefulness and excellent communication skills to collaborate effectively with engineers, designers, and managers across the organization, aligning visions and efficiently resolving impasses
  • Stay ahead of XR trends, integrating new approaches into development processes


  • High coding proficiency in C# and or C++
  • Proficiency with 3D programming for interactive graphics using game engines like Unity, Unreal or mobile native frameworks like ARKit
  • Professional level understanding of 3D math
  • Self-motivated and self-directed entrepreneur with a proven track record of taking projects from concept to realized value
  • Strong communication skills
  • Empathy: A proven ability to engage users through experiences that captivate the senses
  • Ability to work well within a team environment for integration and final delivery

Nice to Have

  • Experience shipping a game or XR experience in Unity3D
  • Console or mobile programming experience
  • iOS development
  • Familiarity with 3D modeling and CAD software (Maya, etc)
  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or a similar field
  • Facebook/Meta internal development experience
  • Mercurial

Base Salary

$160,000/yr – $230,000/yr + Bonus, Profit sharing  Remote  Full-time

My Key Takeaways

Overall, the job description and responsibilities are already in line with the work I do on a daily basis as a Senior Research Engineer. This also clarifies that I’m on track with my existing plans to develop new skills using Unity to build Meta Quest experiences. I will need to add “Stay ahead of XR trends” and “creating custom Unity plug-ins to extend functionality” to my list of things to work on.

The most important information for me is hidden in the details, where they specifically call out using C# and/or C++. I come from web development, so JavaScript tends to be my language of choice. I do use C++ for my Arduino projects, but I’m far from being highly proficient. So, that’s an area I definitely need to focus on, rather than sticking with what’s familiar just because it’s supported!

I especially love that “Bachelor’s degree” is listed under the nice to have section, proving that they’re more interested in talent than a formal education!

There were a couple of things I’ve never even heard about, like “Professional level understanding of 3D math” and “Mercurial”. I assumed they mean Mercurial SCM (Source Control Management), which seemed odd due to Git’s popularity, but a quick internet search confirmed my suspicions:

While Git has become the standard in most places, we use a custom Mercurial-derived source control. There are many problems with scaling any version control system to the size required by Meta, so we started from Mercurial, and made many improvements over time.

From: A Meta developer’s workflow: Exploring the tools used to code at scale

I hope you can already see how this one example job description has helped me in planning my personal path to gain the skills to level-up my career as a Senior Research Engineer with XR. I already know that I won’t be able to bring the experience they looking for, but I will never gain that experience without obtaining the skills they’ve called out.

Example #2: 3D Game Developer

Let’s keep exploring this concept of using job listings to identify projects that will help us gain skills by looking at 3D Game Developer. Plus, the salary range is nice too! So, let’s use this as our next “field of interest” and go job hunting!

Searching Indeed

There are lots of job sites out there, but I tend to use Indeed and LinkedIn the most.

Searching Indeed for “3D game developer” we start to notice tools that are needed, like Unity.

Unity is a great tool for learning this career!

It’s open source, so you can learn for free. You’ll only pay when you deploy your game to a platform.

The hardware requirements are low enough that most modern computers will support it.

There are TONS of free resources online.

Obviously “Senior” means experience is required, but they flat out tell you:

You must have a shipped a title (any platform) to be considered for this position.

If you are mid, junior or a recent grad please see our other job ad. Do not apply to both positions.

Sadly, they didn’t have an open junior roles, but they still take resumes! Also, you have a new job title that you can research!

Going to the SMG Studio site, you’ll find the details about this role. I’ve added them farther down this post too, since they’ll likely disappear.

This particular role will be useful in researching long-term skills and experience to become a senior dev yourself. Take the list as the first step toward narrowing down what you need to learn. Start understanding things like “C# (Unity3D) with strong coding standards”, “game design principles and player experience”, “GIT version-control software”, “3D modeling / lighting / UV-mapping / texturing”. Even statements “Great work ethics, and a problem solving attitude” are helpful to give you a sense for what this job takes.

You may find you need to keep looking for a different role, since the skills required in this one don’t interest you. That’s ok, you still learned something! Failing fast is important in this industry. Imagine if you realized you didn’t enjoy the “work” after being locked into a time and financial commitment like school!

Next steps

To keep aiming for this specific game developer role would be to take this list of skills and requirements and compare it to other junior positions. The common factor in all the positions I’ve covered is Unity! So, downloading it, learning how to use it, then building your first game would project number one!

I’d continue to use these job descriptions to discover what other projects will help me get in the door. A portfolio is a good example, which means you might need to build one. Once your in that door, all that stuff in the Senior list will accumulate on your resume over time!

Prototype focus!

I personally foud this job interesting! I love prototyping, plus they give you valuable info on what you need to have.

You must have an existing portfolio of games or prototypes you’ve already made to be considered for this position.

There’s obviously more programming required with Solid C# (Unity3D) on this listing. It would clearly be worth researching what game developer portfolio’s are like, too. If this was a path you were interested in.

Our First Game Developer Projects

We’ve already figured out two hefty projects to get us moving towards a game developer career!

Project 1: Learn how to build mini games with the Unity game engine.

Project 2: Build a game developer portfolio to show off our games.

That’s a lot of work, and it will take time! But, if you stuck with it, learned how to make each new game better than the last, you will eventually find that you’ve developed the skills to become a junior game developer. Plus, you’d have the portfolio to prove it!

Hopefully this gives you a sense for how this approach toward building a new carrer in tech might work. Just apply these general concepts to learn more about areas that interest you most.

I’ve put all the requirements for 3 positions below, but you should checkout SMG Stuio’s other job listings to see what else you can learn about jobs in the gaming industry.

Junior Unity Game Developer at SMG Studio

From SMG Studio:

You’ll create game prototypes, work as a team on larger projects and help deliver projects to completion.

Our games: [Unannounced New IP], Moving OutFast and Furious TakedownThumb DriftOTTTDOne More LineOne More DashRISK & Death Squared

Our Showreel or go behind the scenes of the studio.

You will have the opportunity to work on high-profile IP as well as original IP.


  •     Demonstrated knowledge of C# (Unity3D) with strong coding standards
  •     Understanding of game design principles and player experience
  •     Experience with GPU programming / shaders (targeting mobile devices)
  •     Ability to work in a team and develop re-usable commented code
  •     Experience in SVN and GIT version-control software
  •     Experience in cross-platform (Android & IOS) development
  •     Working knowledge of 3D modeling / lighting / UV-mapping / texturing
  •     Experience with VR, Kinect, Leap Motion = bonus points!
  •     Experience with car games = Let’s talk!
  •     Able to work in-house in our Sydney studio (we can help with accommodation)

What we’re looking for:

  •     A keen eye for polish, detail and performance
  •     A passion for focused game design / innovative ideas
  •     A team-player looking to collaborate and share
  •     Ambitious use and embrace of new technologies
  •     A passion for constantly making things better and mastering your craft

Mini Game Prototype Focus

From SMG Studio:

You’ll work as part of a team on a large project but a focus on the top of the funnel fun, unique, interesting game mechanics and ideas.

This can be a fulltime position or we’ll work with the best part time. It’s more about the output than the hours.

Who you are: a developer or game designer who loves making new things and can smell ‘fun’ from a nautical mile away. You can whip a prototype up and test an idea early and are comfortable in working in a collaborative idea space where constructive feedback is an important part of the creative process.

Our games: SP!NGNo Way HomeMoving OutRISKDeath SquaredThumb DriftOTTTDOne More Line & One More Dash

Our Showreel or go behind the scenes of the studio.

You will have the opportunity to work on high-profile IP as well as original IP. 

What you will do

  • Create game prototypes (original ideas, and from briefs) to test gameplay ideas and mechanics.
  • Work as part of a team on larger game projects.


  • A rapid prototyping mentality with a portfolio that demonstrates your prototyping savvy
  • Solid C# (Unity3D) 
  • A rich understanding of game design principles and player experience.
  • Interest in any form of multiplayer. 

What we’re looking for:

  • A keen sense of game design. 
  • A keen sense of gameplay mechanics.
  • Passion for game feel. 
  • An eye for motion.
  • A passion for focused game design / innovative ideas
  • A team-player looking to collaborate and share
  • Ambitious use and embrace of new technologies
  • A passion for constantly making things better and mastering your craft.
  • Great work ethics, and a problem solving attitude.
  • Diligent and respectful.

Senior Unity Game Developer at SMG Studio

From SMG Studio:

What you will do

  • Take ownership of key game features and organise units of work with team members
  • Be responsible for outlining, programming, and testing game features across multiple projects
  • Create game prototypes, work as a team on larger game projects, update and improve existing projects and help drive all projects to completion.
  • Play an active role in performance testing and optimisation across target device platforms
  • Work on high-profile client IP as well as original IP. 
  • Maintain coding standards to achieve efficiency in maintenance and portability.
  • GIT management and supporting team members across projects
  • Collaborate on improving code standards and best practices by sharing and reviewing work.
  • Manage yourself independently, working effectively and efficiently.
  • Maintain and strive for the highest production quality possible.


  • A rapid prototyping mentality, and showable portfolio demonstrating this
  • Demonstrated mastery of C# (Unity3D) with strong coding standards.
  • A rich understanding of game design principles and player experience
  • Experience in GIT version-control software
  • Ability to work in a team and develop re-usable commented code.
  • Deep understanding of Unity UI

Nice to haves

  • Experience profiling and building for performance.
  • Working knowledge of 3D modeling / lighting / UV-mapping / texturing.
  • Solid working knowledge of Photoshop for extracting designs from PSD files into Unity.

What we’re looking for:

  • A keen sense of game design 
  • A keen sense of gameplay mechanics
  • An eye for motion, 
  • Solid maths & physics 
  • A keen eye for polish, detail and performance
  • A passion for focused game design / innovative ideas
  • A team-player looking to collaborate and share
  • Ambitious use and embrace of new technologies
  • A passion for constantly making things better and mastering your craft.
  • Great work ethics, and a problem solving attitude.
  • Diligent and respectful.

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