Time For a New Web Hosting Service Provider!

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After being with my old web hosting service provider for over 20 years, I had a security incident that was simply unacceptable. So, I did some homework and decided to try out Hostinger. I’m so happy I made the switch!

How it all began

About 15 years ago, I started doing ink work for an artist who did lots of projects for Disney, Matel and other big names. Once he learned I did tech too, he asked me to rebuild his website. Being a popular artist, he drew lots of traffic, some of which wasn’t always welcome. His new WordPress site got hacked every few years! It sucked big-time, but I gained some decent experience, which I’ll share in another post about setting up TECH-MULTIVERSE.COM.

This last time, the hacker had an account with the same host I was using. The artist’s domain was registered through the company he originally bought it through, so I simply pointed the nameservers to my host and website files to get him up and running. Somehow, the hacker redirected the pointer to their account and bypassed mine. When I contacted the host to have the issue resolved, they refused to help me unless I was able to authenticate the hacker’s account!

Yes, you read that right! Seems crazy that even though they had a loophole that allowed someone to gain control of the domain, which they should be able to see, they flat out wouldn’t do anything about it.

I don’t care how long you’ve been working with a company, an issue like this was the last straw, especially when they charge you up the wazoo for basic security features.

Hostinger is Secure!

Just doing my research on who to go with it was quickly obvious that Hostinger cares about security, as they should!!

They offer unlimited SSL (the “S” in https://...), WordPress vulnerability scanning, and other valuable security features out-of-the-box for all plans!

Blazing Fast WordPress Hosting!

I originally started working on building TECH-MULTIVERSE on my 20 year old hosting plan. I was actually getting tired of waiting for pages to load just to see my changes.

Hostinger had a super easy migration tool to move my site over to their servers! That process was faster than they claimed and once it was done TECH-MULTIVERSE was snappy AF!! I was so happy with what I had seen so far, and that’s just the beginning.

I have lots to share about what I’m learning about Hostinger, so stay tuned for more updates!

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