Build Expertise in Automation, Application Security, and Administration with GitHub Learning Pathways

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GitHub recently launched their new Learning Pathways, which are self-paced tutorials designed to help you grow your GitHub skills from beginner to expert.

If you write code for a living you most likely use GitHub to manage your code repository. If you’re planning to learn code and build a career in tech, you’ll definitely want to learn GitHub!

The post on GitHub’s blog, “GitHub Learning Pathways: Learn from the best,” says the modules are organized into three levels:

  • Essentials, to build a solid foundation.
  • Intermediate, to go beyond the basics.
  • Advanced, to build deep expertise.

Learning automation and security would benefit anyone who writes code. Learning how to use GitHub Enterprise Cloud for administration and governance would take your skills to the next level, and would be a nice addition to any tech resume.

If you have an interest in automation, application security, and administration I highly recommend checking out GitHub Learning Pathways!

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