Stable Diffusion XL 1.0 (SDXL) Training and Image Generation

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I’ve been exploring SDXL through the web ui (that used to be located here) and can tell I need to get better at writing prompts, but I also plan to learn as much as I can. Including training my own local instance, which a big reason I’m aiming for the NVIDIA RTX 4090.

Here are some samples from me testing out SDXL 1.0 to generate different images!

Below that, are resources I’ve found.

Be sure to checkout my other articles under the Stable Diffusion category to learn about the progress I’ve been making.

Experimental Cat Characters

Young Racoon Game Developer

Viking Wolf



The BEST resource yet:

How to install Stable Diffusion on Windows (AUTOMATIC1111)

How to generate animals in Stable Diffusion

Installing SDXL 1.0 on Local Computer

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